***Wreaths Across America matching campaign Dec. 14, 2024 - Jan. 17, 2025*** See calendar for details.
POST 104
San Marcos, TX
Post104 Annual BBQ Fundraiser 2019This years post fundraiser was at Jack's BBQ in San Marcos, TX. The event helped raise fund for the post's activities and funding donations for local events.
"Connected"These three are not only connected by being sailors, but all three served aboard the USS Nimitz at one point in time. Max Baxley, David Franklin, and Curtis.
First Customer!First person shows up to get their BBQ plate.
"A" Team and FriendsAmVets Auxiliary ladies of Post-104 San Marcos are in the Christmas spirit.
2019 AMVETS POST 104 San Marcos, TX Veterans Day ParadeThe following set of pictures are from POST 104 in the City Of San Marcos 2019 Veterans Day Parade.
Post Commander Steve Saxon leads the way for Post 104 in the parade.
Member Curtis follows behind on his motorcycle.
Giving To HopeAMVETS Post 104 Commander Steve Saxon presents a donation check to Felisa Ramirez with Mark Salinas of Post 104 to Our Lady Of Guadalupe Veterans Ministry of Seguin, Texas at the monthly meeting.
Rendering SalutePost Commander Steve Saxon renders salute starting the ceremony. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Salute!Post members render salute while post member Gilbert Medina plays taps. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Never ForgetPost members render salute during taps. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
TapsPost member Gilbert Medina plays taps for the Memorial Day Ceremony. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Prayer Of RememberanceResident Margie J. Crosby says a prayer for the Memorial Day Ceremony while her husband and family stand behind. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Prayers For Those LostResident Margie J. Crosby says a prayer while a member of the Aux Ladies and post member bows their heads. — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Never ForgetThank you to all those that have given their life in the sacrifice you gave defending freedom for your home, your country and in many cases freedom of others outside the US. We here will NOT forget you. #MemorialDay — at Hays County Veterans Memorial.
Welcome Home!!!Members of AMVETS Post 104 San Marcos, TX stand at the Veterans Memorial for a pic to Welcome Home 4th-133rd Battalion FAR as they are set to return home from being stationed in the middle east.
Blue Santa DonationAMVETS104 Post Commander Steve Saxon along with AMVETS member & A-Team members present a check to the San Marcos Police Department Police Chief Stan Stanridge for the Blue Santa Program.
Hays County Food Bank DonationAMVETS Post 104 member Lalo Rodriguez presents a check to the Hays County Food Bank along with AMVETS Post 104 Commander Steve Saxon, member David Franklin, his wife Karen and A-Team member Rose Marie.
2021 Wreaths Across America "Wreaths Out" Day JAN 16 2021